Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Long time no hear from....
I’m hanging with my mom in Brockport pretty much sorting out her finances; taking care of her and the house. I’ve been writing stuff all along for the blog, but dumping it into the draft part of blogger until I could add photos. There’s a lot that has happened since I last updated and downloaded as well as some wonderful pics to add from the Habitat build in Sri Lanka.
It's rewarding to volunteer for people you know...

The Habitat Build and a Visit to Colombo

Roshael and I wetting bricks for the masons, they put planks down
at the base of the wall to catch all the excess mortar and there is absolutely no waste of materials of any kind. Roshael and Edwin at tea time (obviously the morning one since they are still relatively clean)
Ray, Alex and Marc finished the home they were working on so started digging the hole for the outhouse. Yes, they took the prize for dirtiest duds everyday.

Our littlest helper (I love this picture)

Our chief mason, VJ, atop an incredibly suspect scaffolding arrangement. This was our last day on site and I thought I couldn't be more amazed. Then I watched VJ whack off angled chunks of brick to make the perfectly straight roof line...incredible!

We're all at the closing ceremony with VJ and our homeowners and their two kids. These guys are farmers and they had taken off two weeks from the fields to work with us on their home. They worked so hard and this was a very emotional day for all of us.

My friend Laxman drew a picture of the two of us.
I stayed with my excellent friend Lino at her apartment and she even got some beautifully ripe rambutan for me. I love those spiny little fruits! Laura had a pretty good idea of the stuff she wanted to see in and I think we got to everything on her list.

Laura perusing the menu at Helga's Folly.
We caught up with Dani and a friend at Beach Wadiya for a fabulous seafood meal. One of my favorite places to eat in Colombo, there are no menus, they simply come to the table and tell you, “Here’s what we caught today and here’s how we’re cooking it.” Amazing food and great company right on the beach!