Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I'm new to this blogging thing...

...so bear with me. Greetings from fabulous Sri Lanka. Let me just get this over with, it's really hot here. I promise to try not to dwell on it, but honestly, heat like this is just way over the top! I've been here just over a week and already visited several refugee camps; helped paint a school house on the grounds of a Buddhist temple; gone to Galle to assist with a new roof for a family of nine and am currently working on a pinata...don't ask.
I've rented an apartment in Colombo with a charming 24 year old Irishman I can barely understand. Chris is also with Volunteer International and arrived around the same time I did. I'll post pictures eventually, but it's a nice little 2 bedroom. There's no hot water, but somehow (see above) one really doesn't care. Brushing your teeth with beer (Chris' idea) is not as nasty as it sounds. More later, drop an email to me if you get a chance and be grateful for all we have back in the states.

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