Thursday, July 21, 2005

All work and no play…

As a rule, I get behind any and all Judeo-Christian holidays, but the Buddhists here have it going on! Every time there is a full moon, they celebrate Poya. The average Sri Lanka Buddhist visits the pansala (temple) four times a month on poya days, which equate to the phases of the moon. The full-moon day is most important and a monthly national holiday in the Buddhist tradition of Sri Lanka-- a day of reverence for the faithful and a relaxing day away from work, answering e-mails or updating your blog for those of other faiths. A tray of flowers is offered at each of the three places of worship, small oil lamps are lit (to represent wisdom and enlightenment), and incense is burned (to symbolize purity). Poya day (full moon day) ceremonies are conducted from dawn until dusk at all temples. This includes Dharma sermons, meditation classes, pujas (offerings), administration of the precepts, and pirit-chanting of protective suttas (discourses). Merit-making (punya karma) is considered to be the cornerstone of lay Buddhism. Following the Dharma and the precepts, by striving for compassion, equanimity and wisdom, and by performing meritorious deeds -- such as dana (almsgiving), pilgrimage and worship, and paying homage to elders -- one can assure oneself a more advanced rebirth on the spiritual ladder toward nibbana.
On a less cerebral level, what this means for certain hard charging; fun-loving; already booked on a speeding tuk-tuk to hell; segments of Sri Lankan society, is that they know when to plan the most rockin’ parties every month for an entire year ahead. Last night, the Colombo Pride party was at the Taj Hotel. (Don’t these people know this lifestyle is illegal here?) It was by invitation only and is for a good cause. There was a 1,000 rupee ($10) donation and you had to get a ticket from a friend in the pride organization. One delightful lady told me that the party breaks up at dawn so we can all go to temple together, and spend the day in quiet reflection…yeah right! Good thing no one works the next day! Did I mention the part about wearing costumes? I went as Madame Fortuna (accent on the “tuna”) and read palms the whole night. “I see…I see…I see you at the bar buying Madame Fortuna a jello shot in order to hear the rest of your hilarious yet highly personalized fortune…”

Yes, there are pictures.

No, you’re never going to see them.


Anonymous said...

Can I just say that I took a drunken phone call at 2:30 in the afternoon at my office from a certain Madame Fortuna?? Who was bellowing in my ear..."what???? you're working???" The overseas echo is so much fun while dealing with a drunk friend!!! Let me just say that sister has not been that trashed since the late 70's. I know, I was there. I invite Ms. Blogger to share with all of us how she felt the next day!! Thinking I don't want to hear it was the water or the fruit or the heat!! Love you, Susie. I'm so glad you're having a great time. So those gays and lesbians in Sri Lanka, do they all know each other like they do here?? xxoo

Sue Miller said... do know that jello is made with water right? Okay, I felt like crap...used hard and put away dirty. Now I remember why I don't drink much any more. Sorry about the phone call Sue.

Anonymous said...

That phone call will go down in history, Suze. By the way, your nieces all responded exactly the same way when I told them the story..."But Aunt Sue doesn't drink!" They then laughed hysterically. Just when you thought they didn't think you were cool anymore!! Love you, and call when you can. Even if I'm at work and you're toasty. xxoo

Anonymous said...

We were surprised when the lady told us you were drinking alcohol. We don't think we'd like the taste very much. The lady says it makes you act a little funny. Beau already acts funny so please don't give him any. Curry powder and alcohol do not appeal to us at all. The lady says you'll never find her touching a drop. Says its bad for her health. What is health? How come you never read our palms? The lady wants to know if you have a working email address and if so, what is it...She can't seem to get through to you and we have lots of good fun news to tell you. We are glad you are having fun. We're having fun too. (But the lady can be a little strict and we don't like that very much.)
Slurps and licks,
Harvey, Beau and the lady