Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The “We Can’t Have Anything Nice” Department

Spammers are evil and should be destroyed. Apparently, when you list your blog for anyone to see…anyone can see it. Duh. Well, I’ve started getting these unsolicited “comments” from people trying to sell me things: Don’t need any Viagra, thanks…or companionship for that matter…I also no longer own a house that needs refinancing.
I hate it when one person spoils it for everybody. Now you can leave a comment on the blog, but you need to log in a user name and repeat back to blogger the weird word as shown in the funhouse mirror thing. I love getting the comments and the folks at blogger will never bug you.
So, with the hit counter edging toward 900, who the heck are you people anyway? Leave a comment, even if you meant to look up “snakes of the amazon” (see, now that I entered that, they will all come here by accident) My bad.

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