I was scheduled for an eye exam in September. Unfortunately, I’m 8,704 miles away from my local Lenscrafters. (Slightly closer if I went to the one in Henrietta) I really need my eyes checked. I brought along my bifocals, two pairs of reading glasses and my prescription sunglasses. My bifocals, the ones I usually wear all day, are irretrievably scratched up and only good for starting fires. The reading glasses I’ve been schlepping around with me, are each slightly older prescriptions and taking a beating as well. I’m practically living in my prescription sunglasses because it’s pretty bright here. It’s a constant source of amusement for my friends when I get up from reading without taking off my glasses. I always manage to navigate around the office for a few seconds until I ram into a wall or something. Actually, they are pretty good sports and do things like read to me from menus and reset the font on my phone so I can actually see who it is I’m calling before they answer.
I may see an eye doctor here, but he better speak English. I can see it all now,
“Which way is the ‘E’ pointing?”
“That’s an ‘E’?”
“Well no, it’s the Sinhalese symbol that represents our “eh” sound.”
“Of course…that’s clear as mud.”

I’ll see you in December, but I probably won’t recognize you.
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