When he was a little pup, he liked to sit on top of my head to watch the nightly news. I can’t remember why I ever thought this was a good idea. Regrettably, my head did not keep pace with his inevitable growth. Undeterred, he continued to try to sit on my head at every opportunity; always resulting in uncontrollable laughter from my brother Doug.

Beau, trying to reach the top of my head, “Hey, Down in front! I’m watching Law & Order here!”

Harv the wonder dog, as in: "I wonder what stupid thing I’ll do next!"
Harvey really is very patient with Beau and is an excellent big beagle brother. I’m sure Jennifer’s dogs; Hannah and Syd; are very anxious for them to come home so they can have their person all to themselves again. It’s the people in my life like Jennifer that helped me to know for certain that this was the right thing for me to do at the right time. If she had been unable to take in my boys, I don’t know who would have stepped up to care for them. If I hadn’t felt secure that they are safe and sound, I wouldn’t have been able to pick up and go as I did. Jen, you are a true friend and I owe you BIG TIME. Love to you all, have a rawhide on me.
I am glad Freckles is in Harvey's company as being acquainted with the dog warden. Your story reminds me that I owe our warden a box of biscuits and I am going to pay up ASAP. I promised the vet. It is heartwarming to know H & B have such good care while you're away. Everyone says Hi.
What cool dogs! I have a cat that attaches herself to me whenever I sit down. Its not quite the same as a large dog.
What you were too polite too mention, and what those of us who are frequent visitors to your home cannot forget, are Beau's gastro-intestinal upsets WHILE he is sitting on your head. Hope he's getting enough yogurt at Aunt Jennifer's house!! Love, Sabre and Cosmo's Mommy and Daddy
P. S. Two new member of our house, parakeets Bill and Marley!!
Your blogs great, amazing pictures! Keep it coming!
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