The pies came out great and I brought them in to work on Friday…TGIP! Part of the fun was trying to figure out why all the Sinhalese speakers would giggle every single time “Pie” or “Pieday” was mentioned. Turns out “pie” is a slang term in Sinhalese which refers to a part of the male anatomy. Of course at this point, we pulled out all the stops and made every joke and pun we could think of. “Shut your pie hole…” “Pie envy…” “Pie in the sky..” just to name a few. Now just imagine all the adjectives you can use to describe pie and…well, you get the idea. It got especially funny later that night after several beers and a few pitchers of sangria. The pecan pie I made became “The pie with nuts…”

Auntie Sunethra enjoyed the mincemeat pie the most of the three...
Intern Alex Try, thinking about pie...

Lino and Maria
Lisa and Dani
(Dani is going to seriously kick my butt when she sees this pic)
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