Friday, November 13, 2009

Checkpoint Fever or, You Don't Look Tamil...

Pardon me while I vent...Apparently, there are suicide bombers of the Tamil persuasion still at large in and around Colombo. As a result, there are military checkpoints everywhere. Lino and I got stopped at one that was literally within sight of the last one! I’ve now set a new personal best yesterday when I was stopped at no fewer than seven checkpoints on my way to drop my laundry at the fluff and fold in Borella. I have clearly never seriously considered the volatility of my dirty laundry until now. You see, it was jammed into my backpack on the seat next to me in the tuk-tuk and as such, looked highly suspicious. The military guys at the checkpoints are very emboldened when I’m out alone. (why not, they’re the ones with the automatic weapons, all I can do is pelt them with dirty socks) I was close to the breaking point toward the end of the day when I was stopped by an Air Force enlisted man. Our conversation went something like this:
He: Where from?
Me: U.S.A.
He: Going?
Me: Wellewatta, Galle Rd & Dharmarama temple
He: You………BigFatGirl! (always said with a big smile)
Me: Yes, But your ugly, stupid and rude and I can diet.
He: Huh?

Case closed. Sometimes when they say something like this, I like to act all surprised. You know, like “Holy crap….I’m fat? I had no idea! Thank you, Oh keen observer of the human condition” Or, “Yes, if you look closely, you’ll see that I’m fat in my passport picture as well, butthead.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the guard would do if you started crying and saying "mommmmmm, he's calling me fat!!" Ask the girls, it always gets attention in this house. Would the nice soldier say, "honey, you're not fat, and you look great in those jeans"? BE CAREFUL!!!

Sue and Girls